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Filters are integral to all Beta Group’s offerings. We offer a huge range of different sized air filters, but whatever their size, they are all part of our air filtration solutions designed to provide our customers with clean air in their buildings. Clean air that is free of harmful pollutants, dust, dirt, allergens, and contaminants.
By providing clean air, our filters improve people’s health, protect manufacturing processes, boost productivity, and safeguard the environment.
Beta Group offers energy-efficient filters for public and commercial buildings. These products deliver clean air for high indoor air quality. They help building owners reduce their energy consumption and carbon footprint.
Maintaining your air filtration system not only improves air quality, but it also reduces the likelihood of equipment downtime therefore preventing unnecessary costs.
In manufacturing environments, our air filtration solutions are crucial for protecting advanced or sensitive manufacturing processes, or for combatting airborne molecular contamination.
In the healthcare sector, hospitals use our filtration solutions systems to eliminate infectious airborne contaminants.
Not only does regular maintenance improve the operating efficiency of the entire HVAC system, but it can significantly impact the air filter changing frequency. Replacement of air filters in less maintained air handling systems can be more frequent than that of newer and regularly maintained systems.
Grease, dirt, dust, and other products will build up in the ducting and air handling units of an extraction system without a regular maintenance programme. These contaminants are pulled into the HVAC system and re-circulated every day.
Over time, this re-circulation causes a build-up of contaminants in the ductwork. If the ductwork and extraction systems are not regularly cleaned, the air filters must work harder to remove these airborne contaminants.
You can find out more about Beta Group’s air filtration solutions and our range of air filters here.
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