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Breathing air systems testing

Whatever the nature or scale of your operations, we know that safety will always be a universal priority for you and your team. That’s where we can help here at Beta Group – our engineers can test breathing air quality, replace filter elements, and supply new 3-stage breathing air units. Our Safe-Air cabinets have been carefully designed to provide a consistent supply of safe breathing air, from a normal compressed-air supply – so you can always have complete peace of mind.

In accordance with the latest BS EN529:2005 (supersedes BS4275:1997), BS EN12021:2014 and COSHH legislation, breathing air must comply with the following restrictions:

Property Restriction
Percentage of Oxygen Must be between 21% +/- 1%.
Carbon Monoxide Levels Must not exceed 5 ppm.
Carbon Dioxide Levels Must not exceed 500 ppm.
Oil Mist Maximum to be 0.5 mg/m3.
Odours Breathing air should be odour free.
Water Vapour Maximum to be 85% RH.
Compressed breathing air shall have a dew point sufficiently low to prevent condensation and freezing. Where the apparatus is used and stored at a known temperature the pressure dewpoint shall be at least 5°C below the likely lowest temperature.
Volume of Air Sufficient flow and pressure for the breathing-air mask/hood being used.
Sampling Frequency: Every 3 months
EN12021: NA.4.2 Sampling stipulate:
Samples should be taken and analysed at least every three months or more frequently if there has been a change in, or concerns relating to, the production process.
Failure to comply with current legislation could result in a fine and prison sentence.

How do our Safe-Air cabinets help protect your team?

Mounted in highly durable and impact-resistant polyethylene enclosures, Beta Group Safe-Air breathing cabinets effectively remove liquid and solid particulate down to a size of 0.01 micron, and oil vapour and odour down to 0.0003 p.p.m, or ‘parts per million’. (This exceeds the criteria mandated by BS EN 12021.)

All of our Safe-Air cabinets are compliant with key relevant pieces of legislation, including BS EN529:2005, BS EN12021:2014 and COSHH legislation – which collectively set out maximum breathing air limits for carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, oil, moisture, and oxygen. BS EN529:2005 also specifies that there needs to be sufficient flow and pressure for whatever breathing-air mask, hood, or suit is being used.

Official advice recommends that samples should be taken and analysed at least once every three months. However, it may be advisable to shorten this interval and test even more frequently if there has been any significant change in the production process, or recent concerns that may have arisen surrounding it.

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